A New Journey Day 20

Today’s stats: 1/23/2018 Starting Weight: 331.4 Today’s Weight : 319.2 Total Weight Loss: 12.2 Goal: 195 Days: 20 Weight left to lose: 124.2   Well I made it through my birthday weekend without breaking my anti inflammatory diet. I am now at 20 on it. I would have expected to be down at least 3 to 5 … [Read more…]

A New Journey Day 19

Today’s stats: 1/22/2018 Starting Weight: 331.4 Today’s Weight : 318.6 Total Weight Loss: 12.8 Goal: 195 Days: 19 Weight left to lose: 123.1 Went down .2 lbs today, odd but I’ll take it. Hopefully Tuesday will show better results. Keeping my fingers crossed.

A New Journey Day 18

Today’s stats: 1/21/2018 Starting Weight: 331.4 Today’s Weight : 318.8 Total Weight Loss: 12.6 Goal: 195 Days: 18 Weight left to lose: 123.8   Amazingly there was no change in my weight from yesterday even with the extra food I ate. I did still keep it in check and did not go crazy but had a delicious  … [Read more…]

A New Journey Day 17

Today’s stats: 1/20/2018 Begin Date: 1/3/2018 Starting Weight: 331.4 Today’s Weight : 318.8 Total Weight Loss: 12.6 Goal: 195 Days: 17 Weight left to lose: 123.8   Today was a surprise, I am down another 2.6lbs overnight. It seems maybe sleep may be part of the issue. I am going to try increasing my sleep more. I … [Read more…]

A New Journey Day 16

Today’s stats: 1/19/2018 Begin Date: 1/3/2018 Starting Weight: 331.4 Today’s Weight : 321.4 Total Weight Loss: 10 Goal: 195 Days: 16 Weight left to lose: 126.2 Finally down 10 lbs! This time around the weight is coming off very slow so it is seeming like an uphill battle. I may have to review food among other things … [Read more…]

A New Journey Day 15

Today’s stats: 1/18/2018 Begin Date: 1/3/2018 Starting Weight: 331.4 Today’s Weight : 321.8 Total Weight Loss: 9.6 Goal: 195 Days: 15 Weight left to lose: 126.8   Back down 8 tenths of a pound.  I got to sleep at 9:56 last night so I was able to get 5 sleep cycles. I am still tired though today. … [Read more…]

A New Journey Day 14

Today’s stats: 1/17/2018 Begin Date: 1/3/2018 Starting Weight: 331.4 Today’s Weight : 322.6 Total Weight Loss: 8.8 Goal: 195 Days: 14 Weight left to lose: 127.6   Up one pound today. Another night with a lack of sleep, stayed up way too late playing Zelda Breath of the Wild on my new Nintendo Switch. Also I think … [Read more…]

A New Journey Day 13

Today’s stats: 1/16/2018 Begin Date: 1/3/2018 Starting Weight: 331.4 Today’s Weight : 321.6 Total Weight Loss: 9.8 Goal: 195 Days: 13  Weight left to lose: 126.6   No change to report. I did not get enough sleep last night. Over the weekend I had bought a Nintendo Switch for something to do ob the weekends to keep … [Read more…]

A New Journey Day 11

Today’s stats: 1/14/2018 Begin Date: 1/3/2018 Starting Weight: 331.4 Today’s Weight : 322.6 Total Weight Loss:8.8 Goal: 195 Days: 11  Weight left to lose: 127.6   A little up in weight today, didn’t get to sleep as early as I would have  liked to. The lack of sleep may be part of the issue. Will see what … [Read more…]

A New Journey Day 10

Today’s stats: 1/13/2018 Begin Date: 1/3/2018 Starting Weight: 331.4 Today’s Weight : 322 Total Weight Loss:9.4 Goal: 195 Days: 10  Weight left to lose: 127 Went down again today so it looks like I am able to eat the Daiya pizza without any bad side effects. No swelling of feet or ankles noted and I had no … [Read more…]