The Journey – Day 2

Well I did not sleep well last night I kept waking up all through the night. The weird thing is I sprung out of bed this morning after my alarm clock went off. It was a strange feeling this morning it was almost like I downed several cans of Redbull or something. Not sure where all this energy is coming from but I’ll take it. I also feel a little happier this morning?? I doubt one day of eating better can do that already, maybe it is just the building enthusiasm of this?

Got on the scale this morning and got a nice surprise; 348.6
I dropped 3lbs since yesterday morning’s weigh in. I realize it’s most likely water weight but I’ll take it, it’s three less pounds I have to carry around.

Stayed on track last night with my eating. Plan on changing up stuff tonight though. I have taken one of my pre-made meals to work today for lunch. This morning I asked my girlfriend what she was planning for dinner, she din’ have any plans yet. She’s an excellent cook but she always  ends up making enough food for four or more people. To avoid overeating and stalling my progress I told her I would be eating a salad tonight for dinner. I am doing this for a couple of reasons:

  1. Mix it up a bit
    I have been eating salads for lunch for a very long time and I know from things I have read  you always have to keep your metabolism guessing or else weight loss comes to a screeching halt.
  2. Lower Calorie Meal at night
    The burger meal clocks in at around 380 calories. The salad is 280 I think? I know it is lower I’m just not sure of the exact number. I will have to grab one later and check it. I figure by making the biggest meal in the middle of the day when my metabolism is more active and a lighter meal at dinner it may accelerate my results. European countries have a saying eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and supper like a pauper. Some consider this an aphorism but there is some research backing that eating a big meal at night is a bad thing. It doesn’t have proper time to digest late at night and makes you more prone to acid reflux from increased acid production to digest the food and your body goes into low power mode when you sleep so the food basically rots in your gut all night.

Well other than that my left foot is hurting today in my arch. I believe it is gout related pain. My feet are still swollen but not nearly as bad as they were. The more weight I drop and the more I stay away from foods that cause inflammation the better this will get.

That’s all I got for now..