The Journey Day 2 – Afternoon post

So while at work today one of my coworkers brought in donuts, I swear it’s like  there is like some food temptation demon or something. Some things in life just seem to be so ironic; try to eat better and people bring in junk food to your workplace, eat it in front of you, or you get invited to some party which is always “food centric”. I resisted the temptation but only being on my second day it was definitely a test of my resolve. Luckily it wasn’t pizza, I don’t think I could have stayed away.

I had my burger for lunch, much to my surprise it was completely uncooked inside. I am guessing this intentional so during the reheating process it does not dry out. Even after cutting it in half and throwing it back in the microwave for 30 more seconds to make sure it was done it was still really juicy. I actually was able to eat the yams without being grossed out. Not sure what the greens were maybe Kale? After eating my lunch I really felt energized again. I am liking this.