The Journey – Day 2 – Evening Post

So in the afternoon at work I developed a headache that continued into most of the evening, not sure what caused it might be the weather changes again.

I ate my salad tonight as planned and did not deviate , which was a little difficult as my girlfriend had made gluten free toast and the smell coming from the toaster made me crave it, but I resisted. It was tough but I did it.  Tomorrow is going to be tough though as Wednesdays are usually the day when my carb cravings get so bad that I get in an ugly mood and become very fidgety and restless. Also my mental focus goes to hell.

I will say the past two days with what little sleep I am getting (about 6 hours) I still feel relatively energized and haven’t needed as much coffee to stay awake. I know though that this will catch up with me soon enough if I don’t start getting more sleep.

As far as the rest of my night was concerned I got some other side project work done  for the evening and then caught up on season 2 of The Expanse.  I should have stopped after episode 1 as I need to start getting to bed earlier. Tomorrow night isn’t going to be much of a help though as my favorite shows will on the CW; Arrow,  The 100 and then a new episode of The Expanse will be on SyFy.  I think it is best if I skip The Expanse and catch it on a replay on Sling. Unfortunately I am a sucker for super hero  and Sci-Fi TV shows but I need to start getting more sleep.

I’m realizing a problem here though I’ve gotten into too much TV lately up until this point I only had 4 shows I watched regularly; The Walking Dead, The Flash, Arrow, and Dr. Who (whenever it comes back). Lately I have been adding to my list of shows, The Expanse, Dark Matter. The Expanse is interesting but I am waiting to see if they are going make it like Babylon 5 because parts of it are reminiscent of that and the whole drive scene reminded me of the movie Event Horizon. At least I am not as bad as my girlfriend. She is a serial TV show watcher. She will find some series on Netflix and complete the whole thing within a week or less depending on the number of seasons and episodes.

Yeah as I write all this though I realize its too much entertainment. I need to get some educational documentaries or business and finance news in the mix and take out some of the entertainment for more personal growth.