The Journey – Day 3 – Evening

Well today didn’t go so well…Earlier today during lunchtime at work I went to refrigerator to grab my lunch. When I opened the fridge my lunch wasn’t there. I checked each shelf twice over. I happened to glance into the garbage can next to the fridge and there was my lunch sitting in the garbage. Apparently someone got their meal confused with mine and threw it out. So being Wednesdays are my worst day for sticking to the plan that little voice inside started up “you have to eat, get pizza”. I then thought about my progress and reminded myself about my writing on this very blog this morning about how Wednesdays have always been the day I screw up royal. I then started to think of the progress I logged thus far and I remembered I had an apple still. I ate the apple for lunch but I have to say I wasn’t happy about my lunch being trashed without whoever did it asking if it was anyone’s first. They must’ve just assumed it was theirs because it was from the same place, the same packaging and tossed it out.

I didn’t have any complex carbs to eat so I think that may have contributed to my headache. Even with an apple I still continued to have a headache although it did calm down temporarily. From that point on the headache lasted the rest of the afternoon into the evening. I had nothing else to eat from 12:30pm onward until I got home after 4pm. Going 4 hours without eating was making feel even more crappy and my drive home from work today I almost got into an accident because someone blew through an intersection in front of me when I had the right of way. I know my cortisol levels had to be through the roof today. I knew I could not wait until after 6:30 for dinner to eat anything so I decided to eat a second Quest Protein Bar. I then proceeded to eat one of my pre-made meals for dinner a couple of hours later.

Dinner didn’t go as planned either the meals had not defrosted enough from being put in the fridge from the freezer. It took longer to heat it up and my girlfriend was not happy with her fish meal so I gave her my meatball and cauliflower meal for her fish rice and carrot meal. I know I am way down in calories for the day like probably hovering around 1,000 which isn’t good as I don’t want my body to go into starvation. I think I am going to carry more protein bars with me in the future as a failsafe to better handle such random unforeseen events as someone throwing my lunch out. Just goes to prove to stick to this it is a commitment and you have to be cognizant of all consequences by breaking from the commitment to eating better and unwavering in the dedication to that commitment.

I’m off to bed, earlier tonight but still not as early as I would like. That will be tomorrow’s goal to try to get to bed earlier.