The Journey Day 4 – Evening

Today has not been the easiest day. Carb cravings started this afternoon when I started feeling like crap. Ended up with a headache again this afternoon and at times felt a little dizzy. I think the sudden sugar cutoff I did was a little much but I certainly couldn’t keep eating chicken wings or chicken fingers with sweet& source sauce for dinner several nights a week. Reading that last sentence I just wrote makes me realize how badly I have been eating, no wonder why I am fat. Funny thing is you don’t realize when you are in the thick of it. It is not until you write it down (at least for me) until I see all the reasons in black and white literally. Its not that I don’t know eating like this will make me fat its almost like when someone nags you over and over again to do something and you just tune it out. Well I tuned out my body and my sensibilities apparently. To be honest the past week has felt like a fog is beginning to lift from my mind and that I’m actually in the drivers seat instead of being the passenger in a rollercoaster of food adventure at some freak show carnival. I also feel more motivated each day to do more. Before it was come home and collapse in a chair or the couch its like the lazy bone got removed from me suddenly. I also feel I am getting more task oriented where I can stay on task and get more tasks done.

The mind is an interesting thing along with food and the human body in general. This brings me to a couple things I forgot to mention I have been taking probiotics since I began this journey. If you have never heard of them it is to promote good gut bacteria as sugars and high carb that promote growth of Candida which is a bacteria that thrives in a high sugar environment. This brings me to the second thing I want to discuss. FOOD IS A DRUG yes it really is. It effects hormones in your body it effects bacteria levels in your gut, it can do all sorts of things and it has a complex relationship with your body. It can help you or hinder you it all depends on the quality of the food, its nutrients and what type it is. Food has even been engineered with specific amounts of salt, sugar, and fats to make you addicted. When eating junk food engineered this way it lights up the same pleasure centers of your brain as crack or cocaine. This is why it is so damn hard to get away from bad food. There is actually a book on the subject called Salt,Sugar Fat it goes in depth about how major food companies have used all sorts of things to engineer food to be the most pleasurable experience so you automatically crave more of it, they even use actual human taste bud cells and test the reaction f the cells to the introduction of their different mixes, crazy stuff.

Candida can actually hijack your brain to cause you to crave sweets and cause you to not feel full. That is because it needs sugar to survive it loves nothing more than high fructose corn syrup or sugar and it will convince your brain your hungry. Guess what you will crave? Carbs and lots of them. So by taking the probiotics and not eating sugar I am killing all the Candida in my body and replacing it with synergistic beneficial gut bacteria that helps with digestion. I got introduced to probiotics all because I suddenly developed lactose intolerance. I went to a doctor who was a specialist asked a few questions and then said “you’re lactose intolerant” eliminate lactose and then gradually reintroduce it that was his answer. Well I was so intolerant that even the slight amount that is in hot dogs would set me off. I went to GNC and talked to a guy I had known for a long time I was looking for Lactaid pills as I knew someone else who used to take these as they were lactose intolerant too. That is when he pointed me to probiotics with enzymes and told me this would fix the lactose intolerance problem. I was skeptical but tried anyways and sure enough several weeks later I was no longer lactose intolerant and I had continued to eat lactose while taking these pills. I stopped them as a test for about month, ate a slice of cheese pizza and like clockwork got sick as hell.

I really am not doing these topics full justice at this time of night. At some point I think I will post a lot more information complete with the cited research articles in special blog posts titled Food Science or something like that.

Also I began this blog like jumping into the middle of an action movie, no introduction really, nothing about my background etc. I think I will begin over this weekend adding some articles so you can get acquainted with me. I may be fat right now but I have never been stupid I have just done stupid things like becoming fat but part of that was also all the medical issues I have had anyways that is for another time and post I feel to give it the attention it needs.

Anyways this post has become a mix of multiple things. With that said I am hoping I achieve losing another 2lbs tomorrow when I weigh in tomorrow morning it would be an awesome Friday to be down 10lbs already. Keeping my fingers crossed… good night