The Journey Day 5 – Morning

Well, I didn’t hit my goal this morning of losing 10lbs I came up shy eight-tenths of a pound. I have to say I am disappointed as I even took a walk around my neighborhood yesterday. I’m not sure if this is just a slowdown by my body or the lack of sleep, eating too much fruit yesterday (a banana and an apple) or being under stress from having a headache. I am going to say it was probably the 6 hours of sleep and maybe too much sugar from the fruit. At any rate losing weight is losing weight and it builds to a bigger goal. So on to today’s stats.

Today’s stats: 2/17/2017
Begin Date: 2/13/2017
Starting Weight: 351.6 Today’s Weight : 342.4
Total Weight Loss: 9.2 lbs
Days: 4 Average Weight loss: 2.3 lbs per day

Yesterday was a struggle I had a headache and I craving pizza one minute and Chipotle Mexican Grill the next minute, I did stay on track though. This weekend is going to be very difficult as there are a lot of potential pitfalls because of habits I have formed and or activities my and my girlfriend do on the weekends.

  • Fridays were an eat out night as it was the end of the week. This is the night where my parents invite me out to dinner or I go grab something like a fish fry.
  • Late Friday nights I usually ordered food from the local burger and fried foods place this usually was chicken fingers dipped in sweet and sour sauce with and extra side of blue cheese, fries and a side of macaroni salad..CARB OVERLOAD! I also would usually order a root beer and then I would go to bed within an hour of eating this.
  • Saturday or Sunday mornings my girlfriend and I have typically gone to a local eatery for breakfast as they make different skillets. I usually get the meat lovers skillet which is bacon, Bostrom Farm to Table Breakfast Sausage, Yancy’s XXX Sharp Cheddar & Rosemary Garlic Home Fries with scrambled eggs and sourdough toast. It is so good. Honestly it is the last thing I should be eating. Worse off is the pancakes, eggs, toast, and home fries I would get from the other diner.
  • Saturday evenings my girlfriend and I would go out to eat as something to do …THIS IS BAD, REALLY BAD – I will explain in detail later.
  • Late Saturday night I did the same thing as Friday.
  • Saturday or Sunday I have a tendency to grab a huge slice of pizza for lunch.
  • The Movies – There are several movies in theaters right now that my girlfriend and I want to see but I know if we go she will want popcorn and/or I will smell it and want it. It is the worst crap anyone could eat especially the fake liquid butter/oil they put on it, might as well lick a frying pan full of vegetable oil and the salt? Might was well open up a salt shaker and pour it down your throat.

The more I write the more I realize all the bad food and bad habits I was really doing. I think it works better this way as it comes out natural instead of trying to write a list of each thing. And if we’re being honest here no one will put the effort into making a true list of bad food and bad habits as no one really want to recognize them. Its almost like your brain fights you on  trying to directly realize things and you have to actualize everything through comparisons, euphemisms, or analogies so that the mind doesn’t fight the acceptance of the new ideal. I think I need to research this more in the future.

To be honest about this weekend, I feel like I am walking in a field of landmines going into this weekend. To compound things even further it is going to be a busy weekend which always contributes to the not enough time to eat healthy excuse and being stressed out which of course causes more eating. This weekend is really going to test my resolve I cannot fail this because if I do it will erase half the progress I have made and begin the downward “aw f**k it” cycle again when it comes to eating healthy.

Tonight I should be able to get more sleep as I do not have to be up at the crack of dawn for work so I can sleep in longer.

Well that is all I have for now..