The Journey Day 6

If anyone has been following me they are probably wondering if I broke over the weekend well that remains to be seen. But I can report on Friday night and Saturday. Last night I did not get the chance to post an evening post, however Friday night was by far the hardest time yet. I wanted to break the diet so bad. My parents were going out to dinner Friday night and they were not going to invite me so I would not be tempted. They did not do a good job of hiding it from me, I figured out they were going out when I had stopped by their house on Friday after work because they seemed very rushed. When I asked them if they were going out to eat the conceded that they were , one of my favorite places for Italian food too which made it that much worse. I called my girlfriend who helped me pull through, told me not to break it and to eat something at home. I went home but the rest of the night I was going carb craving crazy. I did behave however and I am glad I did as I hit my first goal of losing 10lbs or more within a week so I am very happy. So on to the stats

Today’s stats: 2/18/2017
Begin Date: 2/13/2017
Starting Weight: 351.6 Today’s Weight : 340.6 
Total Weight Loss: 11 lbs
Days: 5 Average Weight loss: 2.2 lbs per day

So today was been busy as hell. I didn’t get much sleep either which surprises me that I had any weight loss at all I was sure the small amount of sleep I had was going to come back and bite me. I went to bed really late Friday, technically early Saturday morning. I then had an appointment at 9:30am to have my taxes done so I had to be up at 8am… I don’t recommend 4.5 hours of sleep, its rough. I had a good breakfast, eggs with a couple strips of bacon (0kay not healthy I know but it is the natural bacon thats nitrate free etc. could have been much worse), and I had a cup of decaf coffee then ran out the door. I did not get out of my accountants office until noon. At that point I drove home and picked up my girlfriend we then went back to the food place where we got the prepackaged meals. She signed up for a weekly subscription. I opted not to due to cost and the fact that my only two problems meals are lunch and dinner. So I raided the freezer case and picked up 23 different meals including a P28 Breakfast pancakes and a Steak, almond, and blue cheese crumble salad with balsamic vinegar. We each had a 200 calorie shake while we were at the store, it was a blueberry, agave, and something else shake and it was damn good made from all natural fruits and ice . Finally got home around 3:30 and I ate my steak Salad it was fantastic.  We then made plans to go to the movies and I decided to go visit some family for awhile before the movie. At 5:50 we left from there and went to go see Lego Batman, my girlfriend wanted to see it I went along with it because even though its a kids movie it looked damned funny.

We get to the theater and the smell of the popcorn is killing me. Amazingly she did not cave in, I was the one trying to go for the popcorn. We just went straight into the theater instead bypassing the entire concession area. The movie was funny for the first 30 minutes then it kind of fell flat. At least it was something to do. On the way home we were both starving we started kicking around ordering out but she talked better sense into me and we went home. Then I was sitting there thinking about my progress. I was starting to get in a not so good mood because I was hungry. I started to think about the progress I made so far and I knew if I ate any crap that was it I would go up anywhere from 2- 5 lbs instantly. I would also most likely fall right back into the bad eating, so I steadied my resolve and decided not to eat at all. Now I am watching some TV and once I get tired Im off to bed so that’s it for all.