The Journey Day 7

So I made it through Saturday. Today I woke up and ate my P28 pancakes. P28 is a special brand of protein infused breads, wraps and more. The pancakes were extremely DRY so much so I started coughing on them. I literally had to drink 3 glasses of water to wash them down. I also had some scrambled eggs and a couple pieces of bacon. After breakfast I quick had to run out the door to meet up with my friend at the movie theater. We had been planning on seeing John Wick 2 for several days but today was the only day we could do it. Again today I was faced with the popcorn dilemma as my friend went to the concession stand and got popcorn. I wasn’t really even interested in it as I had a good breakfast so I only got a water. The movie was really good I hope they are making a part 3 if they are its going to be insane because of the way part 2 ended. Anyways on to todays stats and then more about today…

Today’s stats: 2/19/2017
Begin Date: 2/13/2017
Starting Weight: 351.6 Today’s Weight : 339.2 
Total Weight Loss: 12.4 lbs
Days: 6 Average Weight loss: 2.07 lbs per day

So after the movie my friend and I talked out in the parking lot for awhile about weight loss, health etc. I told him writing this blog was helping me stay focused. He agreed that it seemed like its a good way to stay on track. I also told him how I remembered when I had my heart surgery I wouldn’t touch popcorn, fast food or anything and how it took me months in cardiac rehab just to be able to walk and have stamina.   It was a good chat I have to say it helped me really reflect and where I have gone wrong. I explained to him I’m not stupid I know all this eating out, not exercising, eating late, eating too much all is bad for my health. I know what food to avoid but its just like your mind is in a cloud in some sort of fog once you eat something bad. I told him I felt that the crap food was a form of mind control in my opinion. He agreed and said he knows too what is good and bad for him yet he also has struggled with his weight however he is determined to lose it now more than ever and I believe he will.  We then caught up on a variety of other things and about 2 hours later we parted ways.

I went home and had a headache coming on as I had no lunch I had only had breakfast and it was now nearing 3pm. I pulled out my BBQ beef with potatoes and brussel sprouts pre-made meal. I ate most of it and it was really really good. The only thing I didn’t really eat was the brussel sprouts as I am not a big fan of them. My headache started to relieve about an hour later. Then this evening my girlfriend made a Enchiladas with ground buffalo onions, peppers, almost no cheese though and some jalapeño peppers. It was really good, I am hoping I do not take a hit for that tomorrow. I decided to take pictures again tonight so I have a visual progression of my weight loss to encourage me to stay on track and to see the difference over time.

When you are heavyset for a long time in life and you lose weight a lot of times you still see that fat person staring back at you even after you lose weight. I know I did before and I do not want to make that same mistake again where I am convinced I am already fat so the hell with it might as well eat what I want or fall into the trap of now that I lost weight I can eat like crap again. Those I think are the two biggest traps everyone who is trying to lose weight or has lost it gets caught in; either not visually recognizing their progress or thinking they can now eat anything anytime without repercussions once they lose all the weight. Either way it is the fast track back to fat. Hence this blog being a reminder whenever I need to look back at how I strived to get fit and how long it took to accomplish my goal of becoming fit. I want this more than anything now.

I think I am going to try to keep from “cheating” on my new food lifestyle, I don’t want to call it a diet anymore. It is a lifestyle change. At any rate I am going to try to go at least another week and will try to go 30 days before I eat out or eat anything bad. Who knows maybe by then I won’t even want it. I know every time I eat bad its two steps back in my progress and I need to lose this weight as fast as possible. I also know the bad food is a trap. If I do not have enough resolve the cravings will end up getting the best of me once I eat it again. My body has been decontaminated from bad food for 6 days now. I just had a little laugh here writing this. Those work injury signs you see x days since the last work injury. I think I need to make one that says X days since toxic food.

Anyways got some other things to do then off to bed. Good night