The Journey Day 8 – Morning

Well woke up this morning and did my weigh in. I did not drop as much as I hoped to I suspect last nights dinner was way too calorie dense and way too big of a portion. I still lost some weight but today has been by far the least amount of weight I have lost since beginning this journey and the only factor that changed was dinner was made instead of eating the pre-made meals so not all the nutrition factors were accounted for. It is possible my weight loss is slowing down since the first 10 lbs in any weight loss is usually water weight but I do not believe that to be the case as I am only 7 actual days in on eating right versus months of eating wrong. I will know tomorrow as today I am sticking to the plan and eating the pre-made meals for lunch and dinner. Todays stats:

Today’s stats: 2/20/2017
Begin Date: 2/13/2017
Starting Weight: 351.6 Today’s Weight : 338.6 
Total Weight Loss: 13 lbs
Days: 7 Average Weight loss: 1.86 lbs per day

I had a southwestern omelet for breakfast. No orange juice as I had finished the last of it off over the weekend and as much as I love it I am cutting it out for now. Also I have weened off the coffee over the weekend as well. This week may require slightly more physical activity I am not sure. I am trying to find a balance where I do not shock the body so much I start releasing tons of cortisol. I will be going on a walk this evening and possibly a bike ride, although I am not sure about the latter of the two. It is a very nice day out today I feel I should take advantage of it.

I am hoping to be down 15lbs by tomorrow. Being at 13lbs down it is completely possible to lose another 7 by this upcoming weekend (5 days). I am hoping I can average 2 lbs per day here on out 16 pounds down and almost 30 for the month. That is all I got for now, lots to do today so I will be back later.