The Journey Day 9 – Morning

Well I woke up this morning and did my weigh in. Needless to say I am disappointed as the scale first said I was 339.6 which means I went up in weight. This makes no sense as I ate no more than what I have been eating for the past week. I did not cheat on my eating and I even walked last night so this isn’t making much sense to me as to what could have caused this. I tried to weigh in a second time and got a completely different number this time 338.6 i then tried again 339.8. The scale is all over the place! I’m not sure if it is just old batteries or if this old scale needs to be replaced as it is almost a decade old. On to today’s stats

Today’s stats: 2/21/2017
Begin Date: 2/13/2017
Starting Weight: 351.6 Today’s Weight : 338.6 
Total Weight Loss: 13 lbs
Days: 8 Average Weight loss: 1.625 lbs per day

For today just in case something went wrong with my weight I am going to eat a salad for lunch instead of one of the prepackaged meals. I skipped the caffeinated coffee this morning although I do have decaf coffee. Instead of orange juice I ate an orange this morning and will continue to do so for the week. I am hoping this change in my breakfast will help to keep things going.

I am also going to be changing my snack times today at work so that I am eating more often. My breakfast is usually around 6:30am I then do not eat again until 10am  (3.5 hours) then I eat lunch at noon. Today I am going to eat at 8:30 snack 1 , 10:30 protein bar, 12:30 lunch, 2:30 snack 3, dinner 5:00

In total I am figuring it is about 1,448 calories for all my meals for the day. I will know tomorrow what is going on and also see if this strategy works. My only other idea is that it was a delayed weight gain from the Sunday night meal but considering I cannot get the same number on the scale twice that leads me to believe the scale is the problem.