The Journey Day 11

Got to bed later then I wanted to last night but I really wanted to see The Expanse last night. Last night was a little rough with food cravings but I did not break. The scale this morning took 4 tries (one being an error) until I got the same reading twice.  I have looked online for a replacement scale but it seems like no one can build a decent one these days as all of them have negative comments about accuracy and many have questionable product reviews. It does not make sense to me to allow people who are not a “verified purchase” on Amazon comment on the product. After all if they did not purchase it then how can the possibly rate it and review it? The really need to change their review system so that only people who bought it can review it otherwise as far as I am concerned its a fake review especially when you see several that are all unverified purchases in a 24 hour time span. Anyways on to today’s stats

Today’s stats: 2/23/2017
Begin Date: 2/13/2017
Starting Weight: 351.6 Today’s Weight : 336.8
Total Weight Loss: 14.8 lbs
Days: 10 Average Weight loss: 1.48 lbs per day


Today I plan on going very calorie light, I skipped the orange this morning with breakfast and had a southwestern omelet. I may eat up to two protein bars which are 170 calories each and a 290 calorie salad for lunch I also have an apple for an afternoon snack. Dinner tonight will be fish but that dinner is 491 calories .. overall i should be hovering around 1500 for the day ?  Hopefully I will see more weight loss progress tomorrow but it is hard to gauge with the scale all over the place.  For the sake of sanity I may just have to take the first reading I get in the morning and leave it at that.

That’s all I have for now.