The Journey Day 12

Yesterday was my second day of being in an increasingly foul mood. I also was suffering from a headache. I decided that due to my mood in addition to my recent stall out of progress and not feeling so wonderful I would break my healthy eating for dinner last night and ordered out. My mood has improved greatly but I am more tired today. More details after the stats

Today’s stats: 2/24/2017
Begin Date: 2/13/2017
Starting Weight: 351.6 Today’s Weight : 339
Total Weight Loss: 12.6 lbs
Days: 11 Average Weight loss: 1.15 lbs per day
Gained 2.2 lbs back

Last night I became sick  within an hour of eating bad. Along with severe pain in the front right underneath the bottom of my left rib. I ended up taking TUMS and that seemed to relieve the pain. I lost some progress but I think it will kick start my weight loss again. I honestly am not craving carbs today and I have no intention of eating out again for at least a week. I may begin doing a “cheat” day once a week or every two weeks. I took a 2.2lb hit to my weight loss but I believe by Sunday I will be down 2 – 4 lbs as long as I stick to the eating plan.

I will need to keep myself busy this weekend, I am also going to try to get up earlier Saturday morning and go to bed earlier tonight. I may try to walk more over the weekend but right now the weather is not cooperating and the high moisture is making my knees ache.  This will be the only post for today. Be back tomorrow.