The Journey Day 14

This morning I ended up getting breakfast out I just could not resist getting the meat lovers skillet this morning. I should not have gotten it but I just had to have it. I did a lot of running around on errands today. I did also sneak a slice of pizza late tonight. I am hoping I do not end up paying for it. Before I get too far here is the stats for the day.

Today’s stats: 2/26/2017
Begin Date: 2/13/2017
Starting Weight: 351.6 Today’s Weight : 338.2 
Total Weight Loss: 13.4 lbs
Days: 13 Average Weight loss: 1.03 lbs per day
Gained 1.4 lbs back (weight went back down

So this weekend has been an absolute disaster and I think I know why. I went 10 days without cheating at all and being very by the book on eating better. I did not ease into this and it has had some effects, tiredness, mood swings, grumpiness. When I did decide to break it Thursday night it was a bad night to break it on as the weekends are always the hardest also this does not align with my girlfriends box subscription plan as they only supply 6 days of meals because they figure almost everyone doesn’t eat every single meal and usually has a few they skipped during the week that they can eat on the 7th day.

I also ended up being bad tonight and sneaking a slice of pizza. I had been around it several times today. I wanted a specific slice but they were again out of it. It sucks when you are really craving something and you cannot scratch that specific itch. I think this leads to just wanting the original item even more and not being satisfied with any other substitution. I think this is a good part of what happened this weekend.

Going forward my girlfriend and I discussed it and decided that from this point forward unless a rare exception is made the “cheat” day will be Saturday but that we are not going to go crazy on cheat day otherwise that will just erase most of the progress from the week. Instead we will have one cheat meal, either breakfast or dinner but not both. this way she eats on her plan Sunday to Friday. This I believe will work out much better and lead to much better progress then completely falling off the wagon. I am not the least bit happy with what transpired from Thursday on to today. I need to put a plan into place and put a stop to it.  The cold turkey transition to eating better became harder then I thought it would be. At least I can say I had no soda at all so far and I plan on keeping it that way.

Thats all for now