The Journey Day 15

Got woken up before my alarm went off for work from severe stomach discomfort. I did my usual morning routine and ate breakfast. I got out to the car and then as soon as I sat down I got the worst stomach pain and had to quickly get up and dash back into the house. I will spare the details but I am really sick this morning and I don’t know if it was the pizza or I am coming down with something. My girlfriend is also having stomach issues today so I am thinking we might have picked up a stomach bug, ugh. Todays stats

Today’s stats: 2/27/2017
Begin Date: 2/13/2017
Starting Weight: 351.6 Today’s Weight : 339.2 
Total Weight Loss: 12.4 lbs
Days: 14 Average Weight loss: .89lbs per day
Gained 2.4 lbs back

Yep this is bad all the way around, weight is yo-yoing and I feel like crap. So this will be my short update for the rest of the day while I recover. I expect this will cause weight fluctuations over the next two days.