The Journey Day 16

Went to bed later then expected last night, a lot of thinking going on plus playing Gears of War 4 which I picked up last weekend. While I am thoroughly enjoying the game I think playing that probably caused me to stay up later than expected so I will have to play it on the weekends only so that I can get to sleep quicker. Today’s stats

Today’s stats: 2/28/2017
Begin Date: 2/13/2017
Starting Weight: 351.6 Today’s Weight : 338.4
Total Weight Loss: 13.2lbs
Days: 15 Average Weight loss: .88lbs per day
Gained 1.6 lbs back  – Going down in weight.

As I was saying sleep is something I never seem to get enough of. I try to sleep in on the weekends and usually I cannot sleep more than 7 hours before waking up. A lot of times during the night I wake up as well. I am a very restless sleeper. I am hoping the more weight I lose maybe the less tossing and turning I will do.

Yesterday was draining to say the least. My stomach hurt all day, I really was not hungry and I was  really tired from being sick to stomach. My stomach still felt a little off this morning as I ate my breakfast which was scrambled eggs and an orange. Today is going to be rough.

I am hoping in the next 2 days I can beat my previous lowest weight of 336.8. Only 1.6 lbs is holding me back from breaking through this number. I’ve unfortunately spent 5 days so far just trying to get lower than that weight and making mistakes with my eating along the way. I am correcting it now and this is a journey not a race even though I want this weight off as quickly as possible. However, it is much easier to gain than to lose especially with how calorie dense any fast food or restaurant food is. Eating one grease ball burger could be 1,500 calories alone not including the drink and fries.

Overeating takes no discipline, no control, it requires no effort. All it takes is finding a simple excuse to do it such as I didn’t eat all day or worse yet being hooked by the food because of the way it is made to cause that kind of thing. In contrast eating clean and eating correct portions takes control and discipline in a world filled with fast food advertisements and plenty of places to eat out. It takes being cognizant of every decision you make regarding food. It takes dedication to remain on track.  It also takes planning so that when “shit hits the fan” and it will, you have a backup plan that keeps you on track instead of falling face down and losing several days of progress.

At 15 days this is only the beginning but this is also why it is a Journey.