The Journey Day 17

Nothing good to report I’m afraid. My weight is up again. I’m going backwards on my progress my one weight tracking app is showing nothing but red. I have been going carb crazy since the weekend. Truth be told I snuck a slice of pizza in on Monday and last night almost ordered one. Then was going to order chicken fingers and got so aggravated with the person taking the order that I cancelled it and hung up. This was not the end of it though I was so driven to eating bad last night it was ridiculous.  I called up another place and ordered chicken fingers, fries and mac salad. I am regretting that decision today. Today’s Stats

Today’s stats: 3/1/2017
Begin Date: 2/13/2017
Starting Weight: 351.6 Today’s Weight : 341.4
Total Weight Loss: 11.2lbs
Days: 16 Average Weight loss: .7lbs per day
Gained 3.6 lbs back  – Going back up


Last night I got sick to my stomach because of what I ate. Today my feet are swollen along with my legs and other parts of my body. I woke up with a headache and stuffed up. I have no doubt it is because I ate bad last night it has caused complete body inflammation. I am tired as hell too.

I have not been able figure out what has been causing the crazy carb cravings up to this point. Then this morning I figured it out, I have not been taking my probiotics. I ended up skipping them over the weekend accidentally. Then eating bad food on top of it just compounded the problem because it created a fertile ground for candida to flourish. This further proves to me that the probiotics are helping. Needless to say I will be getting back on them today and stopping this train in its tracks.

If I wasn’t taking the time to write all this and reflect I would have not realized what the problem is as quickly. I can only imagine how many other people give up all hope of losing weight because of set backs like this. I’ve been really frustrated with this but being able to find the cause has relieved some of that frustration for the time being and hopefully within the next two days I will see progress again. My advice to anyone reading this is to analyze why losing weight is not working for you and to then take action to correct whatever is holding you back or causing you not to reach your goals.

This fight is far from over now that I know what is causing this  can address the issue better. That is all I have for now.