The Journey Day 19, 20 and 21

Okay so I am writing this now today (Monday the 6th). I ended up feeling not so great over the course of this weekend. My healthy eating went right off the rails along with being sick. All day Friday I had a headache that continued into the night. Saturday I ended up going to urgent care, turns out I have a sinus infection.

I should have stayed on top of this here but I felt so crappy I just couldn’t I did weigh in on Friday but failed to do so on Saturday and Sunday. Fridays Stats

Today’s stats: 3/3/2017
Begin Date: 2/13/2017
Starting Weight: 351.6 Today’s Weight : 341.2
Total Weight Loss: 10.4lbs
Days: 18 Average Weight loss: .58 lbs per day
Gained 4.4 lbs back  – Went back up again

I ate really bad on Friday because I felt so awful I thought ordering food with spicy sauce my clear out my sinuses. It did not in fact I think it made matters worse. I ended up using Afrin nasal spray which helped some but didn’t fix the issue. Saturday was my girlfriends cheat day so I ended up eating out yet again and again on Sunday we went out for breakfast but the rest of the day I ate very light.

Now that the sinus headache is getting better I am going to get back on track today and hopefully drop 10lbs by the end of the week. I should have been down further by now but I keep screwing up. I am recommitting to this, this week to eat better and lose weight.  Today’s stats, which will be shared in the next post for today show a step in the right direction.