The Journey Day 22

Today’s stats: 3/6/2017
Begin Date: 2/13/2017
Starting Weight: 351.6 Today’s Weight : 339.2
Total Weight Loss: 12.4lbs
Days: 21 Average Weight loss: .59 lbs per day
Gained 2.4 lbs back  – Trending Back Down.

I want to break my previous lowest weight which was 336.8. I am hoping to drop down to 330 or lower by the end of the week. I am going to really be watching what I eat. I would love to be able to stick to my eating plan this upcoming weekend but I have a dinner event planned this weekend.  So Saturday will be my cheat day per se.

Seems whenever I try to eat better and lose weight all sorts of events are happening where bad food will be abound. I get frustrated quite honestly. I often wonder if other countries surround every celebration in food like we do. America seems culturally programmed to associate  parties, holidays, or events with food and it is almost always bad food.

I know the food in America is much more salty than it is in other countries. We also eat more meat then any other country. Basically the American diet is shit in comparison to many European countries. Its carb heavy, salt heavy and sugar heavy here. I am hoping by continuing to eat the pre-made healthy meals that eating food like that will make it so I never want to eat this crap again.