The Journey Day 23

I am back on track and focused on getting results. I want to drop 20-30lbs by the end of the month. I am hoping I can find a way to drop weight quicker so I can be at the higher end of the weight loss range and make up for the lack of progress the past week or so. As of today I have good news to report but stats first

Today’s stats: 3/7/2017
Begin Date: 2/13/2017
Starting Weight: 351.6 Today’s Weight : 336.6
Total Weight Loss: 15lbs
Days: 22 Average Weight loss: .68 lbs per day

As of this mornings weigh in I am now at the lowest weight since beginning this journey! I honestly did not expect this result this morning. I am hoping tomorrow I will have another 2lb loss or more.  I have 5 more pounds to go until I have a total o 20lbs. I am beginning to see the difference.

I so badly want to be under 300lbs as that would signify me being almost 1/3 of the way to my goal. Losing 36lbs seems so far away I really need to have a month where I can drop 30lbs as that would be massive motivation. I just have to keep focusing on the long term goal rather than the short term. I also have to keep journaling as it helps to keep me on track.

That’s all for now, keeping my finger crossed I will be down a couple of pounds tomorrow.