The Journey Day 24

Another day and more progress. I will find out this evening how far off my scale is from my doctors.  I hope mine is close. I have been taking the first reading every morning to avoid the discrepancy of it weighing differently each time I get on the scale. This morning the display on the scale turned off so quick I did not see the number. I then checked again and again and again until I could get the same reading twice.  If this scale is off its only 1 or 2 pounds.  Today’s Stats

Today’s stats: 3/8/2017
Begin Date: 2/13/2017
Starting Weight: 351.6 Today’s Weight : 335.6
Total Weight Loss: 16lbs
Days: 23 Average Weight loss: .70 lbs per day

I have to say this weight loss is not easy. The first week it was like “wow, I dropped a lot”  I’ll hit my goal in no time. I started playing with spreadsheets and other things to predict when I would reach my goal. Now it is kind of depressing as my original goal to average 1lb or more per day of weight loss is not being achieved. I guess it may be unrealistic to think I could lose close to 30lbs every month. I’ve seen a lot of people do these body transformations in 12 weeks and I think if they can do it I can too so we will see but I am going to keep trying.

Once I get in the 320 range I will start being more positive and get more motivated it is just a struggle right now because I got so heavy and I just keep thinking I could have started so much sooner when i was at 310, 318, 324, 330… but nope I just kept going up and up and up until I started having chest pains, legs and feet so swollen they look like they were going to burst. Back pain, knee pain, hip pain, stomach issues, acid reflux, snoring at night, sinus issues, constant lack of energy and tired. It took letting all systems going critical until something fired off in m brain and said ENOUGH!

This has been the hardest time I have ever battled my weight. I have gained and lost weight before. It  has not been this bad in over a decade. Getting back up to 351.6  was only 4.4  pounds short of my highest weight. You would have thought that fact, or all the health issues or the fact my clothes were not fitting would have been a wake up call much sooner. In my mind this just proves the power that fast food has over people. The high salt, high fat, high carb, high calorie food acts like mind control. It is no wonder people eat at fast food restaurants several days a week.

I hope this time to achieve the one goal that has been elusive all my life; lean and fit. I do not know what it is really like to be able to shop at stores that carry normal size clothes. The last time I lost a bunch of weight it did not last. I only got a short lived of experience of being able to shop at places like Old Navy. A short lived experience of a 1XL shirt and a 36 waist and then stress and depression kicked in as I was dealing with health issues and old habits came back.

It is my hope that the time I spend writing this gives me something to look back at if I ever start eating bad again and putting on weight. Maybe it will even help someone else who is struggling the same as me. It will help them realize they are not alone.  That’s all I have for now.