The Journey Day 28

Yesterday I celebrated a friends birthday and we went to his favorite place. Unfortunately it is an all you can eat steak type buffet. The food was excellent but I paid for it dearly with a 5lb weight gain. To say I am frustrated by this would be an understatement. I feel like I just took 3 steps back. Todays disappointing stats.

Today’s stats: 3/12/2017
Begin Date: 2/13/2017
Starting Weight: 351.6 Today’s Weight : 336.8 
Total Weight Loss: 14.8 lbs
Days: 27 Average Weight loss: .55 lbs per day
Gained back 4.2 lbs

During the power loss a few days ago I tried to stick as best as I could to eating healthy. On Thursday I did end up getting a burger and fries but as shown with Saturdays stats it did not seem to effect me. However yesterdays birthday dinner for my friend just killed my weight loss. I figure from the salt seasoning at least 2 lbs is water weight but I guess I will find more tomorrow. I have my follow up appointment with my cardiologist tomorrow and he is not going to be happy. My weight is up from where it was this time last year. Last year it was a little lower (324 lbs). Back on track for the week starting today. The power being out was a good/ bad thing it forced me to have to clean out the entire fridge of crap food. It is so empty now but it is better this way now their is more space for the pre-made meals as we were running out of room in the freezer and since that is primarily what we are eating it works out better this way. Well I have a lot to catch up on so that is all for now.