The Journey Day 29

Well I stand corrected the weight I gained from Saturdays celebrations wasn’t just water weight as I retained most of what I gained back. It is quite disappointing really. The cardiologist is very concerned over my weight so much so he mentioned bariatric surgery. This really was upsetting news today. Sure I was not expecting him to be happy but I did not expect him to say something like that. It is obvious how serious my weight is now. I need to start finding a way to better balance everything and get this weight down once and for all. Todays stats

Today’s stats: 3/13/2017
Begin Date: 2/13/2017
Starting Weight: 351.6 Today’s Weight : 336.2 
Total Weight Loss: 15.4 lbs
Days: 28 Average Weight loss: .55 lbs per day

I was hoping to be down 20 lbs within 30 days or less. I am quite disappointed in my progress I should have and could have been further along this month. I was almost there as of Saturday morning and then Sunday I ballooned in weight. Hopefully in two more days I will reach 20lbs of weight loss. I am going work on not having any cheat day for 2 weeks to hopefully drop quicker. If I notice no weight loss or a slow down I may break and have a minimal cheat day just to keep my metabolism going. I am probably going to be very tired again this week as my body adjusts back to the more balanced, natural food. I am hoping by doing this I will accelerate my weight loss for the month of March so that by the end of March I can be down 40 – 50 lbs total. My average weight loss is very low… If I want to hit my goals anytime soon I have to get back to an average weight loss of .75 to 1lb per day.

All I can do is keep at it. If I throw in the towel or give it up it will just be more weight gain and not get me any healthier. I am literally fighting for my life at this point. I am hoping my blood work comes back good and I am also hoping that my upcoming stress test doesn’t show any problems. I really do not want to have to have an angiogram. I am hoping the eating bad for the past several years has not clogged up the works. Prior to my heart surgery my arteries were all clear.

Going to keep my fingers crossed and keep focusing on getting my weight down more. That’s all for now