The Journey Day 30

Well here I am at day 29 (technically it says 30 but that is when the blog began. The actual initial weigh in and weight loss began the day after the blog was started. I do not think I am going to hit my goal of being down 20lbs in 30 days. Todays stats

Today’s stats: 3/14/2017
Begin Date: 2/13/2017
Starting Weight: 351.6 Today’s Weight : 335 
Total Weight Loss: 16.6 lbs
Days: 29 Average Weight loss: .57 lbs per day

To be able to hit my goal tomorrow I would have to be able to shed 3.4 lbs by tomorrow, which I cannot see happening. I am disappointed I did not hit my goal but it is also my fault. Last night I ended up breaking my clean eating and getting a slice of pizza and 5 chicken wings. While it is bad this is a vast improvement over getting 2 slices and 10 – 15 wings plus extra blue cheese and soda. Just looking at what I wrote it is no wonder I have weight issues…. ugh. I am surprised I lost anything at all after eating bad last night. I figured my weight was going to go even higher. This proves though that if I screw up and limit the amount of bad food it may not effect me as bad. In other words “damage control” instead of “aw f**k it I screwed up already so what does it matter..”

For the rest of this month I am going to try to stay eating clean with no cheat days. Hopefully this will maximize my weight loss and get me back on the fast track. My doctor wants me down to 320 in 3 months. I want to smash through that goal and be around 270 or less. I really wanted to try to hit 220 or less by July-August but unless I can drop 30lbs a month or more that isn’t going to happen. That is all I have for now. I am just hoping I can drop 3.4 lbs by tomorrow.