The Journey Day 31

Last night was rough several times I wanted to eat bad, I did not break though. Today I am better for not doing it and I do not have those cravings today like I did last night. Just missed the mark but I am happy that I am very close to being the lowest I have been since beginning this journey 31 days ago. Todays stats

Today’s stats: 3/15/2017
Begin Date: 2/13/2017
Starting Weight: 351.6 Today’s Weight : 332.8 
Total Weight Loss: 18.8 lbs
Days: 30 Average Weight loss: .63 lbs per day

I just missed being back at my previous low from last Saturday of 332.6. I have 1.2 lbs to lose to be down my first 20lbs. I believe I should be able to reach that goal by tomorrow. Considering it is now Wednesday I am hoping by Saturday or Sunday if I continue to stay on track that I will lose a 6.2lbs to put me down 25lbs total. I am way behind where I should be if I want to reach my goal by Summer. If I can achieve 326.6 by Sunday at the latest and drop another 15 lbs or more in 12 days I will be better on track to achieve my goal by late summer. So for the end of this month the goal is to reach 311.6 or less. Then if I can pull off losing 25lbs or more in April that would put me at 286.6. Then if I lose another 25lbs in May that puts me at 261.6 another 25 in June 236.6, 25 in July 211.6. I would like to be as close to 200 lbs or under.

I think part of the problem will be that my weight loss will slow down the more that I lose so the last 50lbs will be difficult. Right now I would be able to accelerate with some short walks but the weather is not cooperating at all this week. Getting down under 300 will be a big milestone for me as that will be 1/3 of the way to my goal. In one way thinking about all of this motivates me in another way it does not as I still have a long road to go. Losing 25lbs per month is .83 lbs per day weight loss so that is the daily average I need to strive for right now I am only .20 away from that or 2/10ths of a pound. I just have to stay away from the bad food.