The Journey Day 45-65

It has been awhile since I have last blogged. Unf0rtunately things have not slowed down one bit. I have been spending all of my spare time researching everything related to heart disease, the causes of it and how to heal my heart through various supplements, diet, vitamins and minerals. I am still on my diet and before we get too far here is my stats.

Today’s stats: 4/18/2017
Begin Date: 2/13/2017
Starting Weight: 351.6 Today’s Weight : 316.2
Total Weight Loss: 35.4 lbs
Days: 64 Average Weight loss: .55 lbs per day

As far as my weight loss goals I have messed up a few times over the past several weeks. Pizza cravings have been terrible and two weeks ago I ended up eating a slice. It was the worst decision I could have made it costed me 3 days of progress as I had gone up almost 3 lbs overnight and my feet were extremely swollen which told me an inflammatory response was underway. So it looks like my favorite food has made the do not eat list.

Recently there was also Easter so there was dinner with the family which was carb heavy. Also my girlfriend brought Easter candy into the house and of course I got into some of it. This is the biggest problem is having any crap food in the house can begin a downward spiral. Also with Good Friday last Friday we ended up going out for fish. I got baked fish but still the portion was ridiculous in size.  Saturday we ended up ordering out from a local place but instead of eating chicken fingers covered in Country Sweet I ordered a California Veggie Burger and fries. The next day I gained no weight from eating it so that tells me it was not nearly as bad as a slice of pizza.

My weight loss has slowed down but my progress keeps getting hijacked by holiday stuff, bad food being brought into the house, and a faltering resolve at times. I am going to try to remain on plan this weekend in hopes that I can be down to 300lbs by the end of the month. To do that I need to lose 16.2 lbs in 12 days which means averaging a weight loss of 1.35lbs per day. At my current average of .55 lbs per day that puts me at 12 x .55 = 6.6lbs.

As far as the research goes I still don’t have a foolproof way yet and I doubt I will as most of the research I am finding does not deal with clinical trials. Instead they deal with lab studies either using human cells in petri dishes or using animals models. At any rate everything goes back to inflammatory processes so I am trying to eliminate anything out of my diet that causes an inflammatory reaction. All the research I am doing right now is for the purpose of finding the best anti inflammatory supplements and foods along with any that my be able to reverse atherosclerosis and aneurysms.

It is important to note that at this time their is no pharmacological treatment protocol for aneurysms and the only “FDA approved” pharmacological treatments for atherosclerosis are Statin type anti cholesterol drugs even though Traditional Chinese Medicine has been using drugs for hundreds of years which help people with atherosclerosis and heart disease. The side effects of the Statin type drugs are a huge risk because they can cause diabetes and diabetes and heart disease are even worse when both are present as they cause inflammatory responses that adversely effects the other. Considering diabetes runs in my family I do not want to take the risk at the present moment.

I will get back to a regularly updating this blog as soon as I can. At the present moment I have to dedicate all my spare time to getting through this research so I can improve my health.