The Journey Day 66 – 100

It has been almost 5 weeks since I last wrote. With everything going on it became too difficult to write each day and stay on track with my eating along with other commitments. Before I review whats been going on and provide an update I want to post my current stats:

Today’s stats: 5/23/2017
Begin Date: 2/13/2017
Starting Weight: 351.6 Today’s Weight : 299.2
Total Weight Loss: 52.4 lbs
Days: 99 Average Weight loss: .53 lbs per day

As you can see I have now lost over 50lbs, I am now 1/3rd of the way to my goal. My 3X shirts are now huge on me. Looking back at photos I looked so horrible at 351 lbs when I first started. Needless to say no one ever says “my god man, put down the fork!” of course if someone did I guess the 351lb me would not have taken kindly to it.

When it comes to food I have learned over the past 5 weeks that I can no longer eat pizza or other bread products. Likewise sweet and sour type sauces (typically made from high fructose corn syrup) causes not only sever inflammation in my legs it also causes me headaches, a hot face and drains me of all energy about 20 minutes after eating it.  You might be wondering why I would even touch stuff like that; well it was a “cheat”day and old habits die hard.

I am continuing to drink  8oz of pomegranate juice every day. I am also eating a 1/4 cup of walnuts or cashews per day as well and taking vitamin C. I eat an RX protein bar 1x per day and then have two of the prepared meals I get each week.

I am happy with my progress so far I just wish it was a little faster. I am hoping by the end of June to be around 270 but to do that I will have to lose more in the month  of June which may prove difficult with the summer activities beginning.

During this time away I have been spending a lot of time doing research on my most recent health issue which has lead to a proverbial rabbit hole of information. I am now going to meet with at least 1 if not 2 integrative medicine doctors since typical medicine just wants to sit and wait to intervene instead of preventing a problem from happening.

I can now confidently say that you are your own best health advocate. I can also confidently say that everyone on this planet needs to learn about nutrition and learn to avoid things like processed meats, alcohol, wheat, fake sugars, high fructose corn syrup and sugar in general. The general American diet is horrible most people eat stuff out of a box, bag or can – all heavily processed foods with all sorts of additives and corn as the main ingredient which basically is a cheap “filler”.

It is no wonder why we have an obesity epidemic and  complete generations of children growing up sickly, overweight or with behavioral or mental issues. It is like the old axiom in computers – garbage in garbage out, the same applies for people if you put garbage in your body you get garbage out. This is why I am now watching everything I eat and it is paying off otherwise I would not be continuing to lose weight.

The next several weeks I have many things going on so this probably will not be updated until the end of June. Hopefully when I do post my next update I will be close to my 270lb goal or at least close to it. That’s all I got for now.