The Journey Days 101 – 128

It has been almost 4weeks since I last wrote. I have no stats to share today as I did not check my weight today. I know I will probably get depressed if I see my current weight as I am sure I have gone up a few pounds in the past week.

I went on vacation for three weeks but I also ended up in the hospital on antibiotics for an infection during the last two weeks of my vacation. The antibiotics I am on have undoubtedly wiped out any good gut bacteria I had established as I am now craving sweets and high carb meals ravenously. Previously sweet things were disgusting tasting to me . Now those same foods are appetizing so I know something as changed.

What is really eye opening is how much taste can change when you get away from bad food and eat clean for several weeks. When you do eat bad the food tastes too sweet, too salty yet if you were to eat this bad food enough or wipe out your good gut bacteria suddenly bad food is great and healthy food tastes like crap. It is no wonder why when people fall off the diet wagon they do it in such a grandiose fashion. I have said for awhile now that food is mind control this change that occurred with my taste is proof enough for me. I am sure due to the antibiotics and the high carb/ sugar craving and eating that the candida is out of control in my gut. I am willing to bet once I am back on the probiotics that I will no longer crave sweet food nor enjoy eating out anywhere as it will be too salty.

Today is the last dose of the antibiotic and it appears the infection has cleared up. I will be beginning to get back on track over the course of the next week and also integrate new a new eating plan into my life.

During my vacation I saw an integrative cardiologist so that I could find a way to stop the Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm from progressing and maybe even potentially get it to regress. I have been prescribed a new probiotic, anti inflammatory diet and a bunch of tests to determine the inflammation and other markers in my body that may be causing my to have further health issues. Also these tests will determine what foods , vitamins and minerals that I can and cannot process which will also give further insight into my health.

I like this approach although it is not easy the anti-inflammatory diet is quite restrictive but it is not impossible it will require a change in my habits. I will be posting more soon but this is all I have for now, until next time.