The Journey Days 129 – 169

It has been awhile since I have written anything. With Summer here I have spent the last 40 days  on vacation and trying to get things done around my house in addition to recovering from my stint in the hospital for a cellulitis infection.

Since being on the antibiotics for the infection I have found it extremely difficult to try to get back on track with eating right. The antibiotics made me crave sugar and heavy carb laden meals. I am now trying to get back on track and eat right.

I have started several supplements back up including a new probiotic, vitamin C, CoQ10, Fish Oil and will be adding in more things every 2 – 4 days providing I have no issues with any of the new supplements I will continue adding one every 2 – 4 days.

I have not gotten on the scale because quite frankly I am afraid to see how much weight I have gained back, it will only make me depressed and angry at myself which will not help. I am going forward and recommitting to my goals with a positive can do attitude there is no sense in beating myself up, it will not serve me well at all.

I am starting to get back my tests and I am learning more about myself and why I have difficulty with high carb foods, craving them and getting hooked on them. I have also learned what my body does not process efficiently such as saturated fat. Essentially this means whenever I eat saturated fat it is worse for me then someone who processes it normally. So it is something I need to avoid.

Now that I have been taking the probiotics for several weeks the cravings are starting to calm down and I am ale to focus on eating right. As part of that effort  am also starting a different eating plan where I will have a protein shake in the morning followed by a regular meals at 10 am a snack at noon (walnuts and cashews) and then another meal around 2pm followed by a protein shake for dinner. I am hoping this will accelerate weight loss and help to calm down my built up hunger throughout the day so that I no longer overeat at dinnertime. By having a light dinner it should force my body to burn more calories through the night and establish intermittent fasting. I am also going to begin getting more physically active to help promoter better cardiovascular conditioning.

I will resume weigh ins at the end of next week. I am also going to wait on writing anything here for a couple of weeks while I try to get this entire regimen established.

See you in a few weeks