The Journey – Chapter 2 Day 1 (246)

Today’s stats: 10/16/2017
Begin Date: 10/16/2017
Starting Weight: 322.8 Today’s Weight : 322.8
Total Weight Loss: n/a
Days: 0 Average Weight loss: n/a
Actual days since journey began: 246


Welcome to The Journey Chapter 2.  I have started anew with a new start date and start weight and a focus on going forward. With that said I will post stats as I did before. I am going to attempt to post every day again and not go weeks on end with no updates. I just don’t want to bore anyone that might read this but then again this is more for me than anyone else. Its a way for me to hold myself accountable.

Today I begin to reduce and eliminate pro inflammatory foods and drinks. My goal is to be on an inflammation free diet for 30 days. I think this will not only help with the weight loss but will be a shock to the system. I am also no longer going to eat after a certain time in the evening specifically 5:30 to 6:00 pm the reason for this is I want to achieve at least a 12 hour fasting period which I am going to try to increase to 16 hours if possible) I believe intermittent fasting is a good way to burn more calories as it forces your body to use its stores for energy.

I am also going to go through and prioritize things, begin to reduce clutter, clear out my head space and get everything out on paper so that I can dedicate more brainpower to more important things. I am going to try to do things more efficiently although this may take some time to get in order.

So I don’t really have much more else to say,  today it begins.