The Journey – Chapter 2 Day 2 (247)

Today’s stats: 10/17/2017
Begin Date: 10/16/2017
Starting Weight: 322.8 Today’s Weight : 319.2
Total Weight Loss: 3.6
Days: 1 Average Weight loss: 3.6
Actual days since journey began: 247

Well much to my surprise after the first day back on being back on track I drop 3.6 lbs   I am sure this is water weight though as my legs have been quite swollen since I fell off the wagon per se. Not much to say today other than I know I need to get disciplined about this and get into a routine. To help me I ordered a new book by Jocko Willink  Discipline Equals Freedom : Field Manual.   it arrived today and I have begun reading it. It looks like it will be an easy read and already I am finding some of the words are resonating with me. I am hoping to complete it in the next couple of days.

That is it for now short and sweet.