The Journey – Chapter 2 Day 3 (248)

Today’s stats: 10/18/2017
Begin Date: 10/16/2017
Starting Weight: 322.8 Today’s Weight : 319.8
Total Weight Loss: 3.0
Days: 2 Average Weight loss: 1.5
Actual days since journey began: 248


Well I am upset with myself today. Last night went off the rails. I got a bad headache last night and thought it might be due to sugar crash from going high carb high sugar to low carb low sugar so quickly. So, I ended up ordering out and got a steak sub and fries with a sweet sauce. As a result I ended up feeling sick to my stomach all night and it has continued into this morning. Likewise I gained 6/10ths of a pound back for doing this.

I should have just gone to bed and tried to sleep off the headache. I need to find better ways to deal with these headaches even if they are being caused by sugar drops or sinus related issues. I read more of Discipline Equals Freedom book last night. It is resonating with me quite a bit even though the book is quite simple. They could have easily made it half the number of pages it is but the imagery and the way the text is written just sticks in your head which I like.

Well that is all I got for now just another quick update.