The Journey – Chapter 2 Day 4 (249)

Today’s stats: 10/19/2017
Begin Date: 10/16/2017
Starting Weight: 322.8 Today’s Weight : 316.2
Total Weight Loss: 6.6
Days: 3 Average Weight loss: 2.2
Actual days since journey began: 249


So yesterday I finished reading the Jocko Willink’s Book Discipline Equals Freedom: Field Manual. It really resonated with me. Especially the “No More” section. Something I need to learn to say to bad food, bad habits and living like I am; unhealthy. I stayed on track all throughout the day but by evening my girlfriend mentioned Ice cream and I just could not get it out of my head. I practically was having sweats and getting a headache trying to override my desire for it.  Well my willpower wore out, I gave up and gave in and I should not have and that’s on me.

So last night I ended up eating ice cream and again my stomach hurt afterwards and even into this morning the odd thing is I must have been far under my calories for the day. I don’t count so I really don’t know but I had friggin ice cream and lost 3.6 lbs overnight. I am not complaining, its just weird I figured the ice cream was going to null any loss and possibly even cause more gain unless it has a delayed effect. Tonight I plan on sticking to the plan so we will see what happens tomorrow morning it would be nice to wake up to being 315 lbs or less.

The odd thing is my feet are hurting more they feel like stretched out balloons yet the water is decreasing from my legs this has me concerned I may be headed towards some sort of neuropathy which is the last thing I need. This is just more reason for me to stay focused and get this weight odd once and for all. I need to win this war once and for all I cannot let it keep waging on.  so today and tonight I must stay on track no matter what and continue to drop this weight again.

That is all I have for now for this update, see ya tomorrow.