The Journey – Chapter 2 Day 5 (250)

Today’s stats: 10/20/2017
Begin Date: 10/16/2017
Starting Weight: 322.8 Today’s Weight : 319.2
Total Weight Loss: 3.6
Days: 4 Average Weight loss: .9
Actual days since journey began: 250


Last night was bad, real bad the amount of stress I was under went through the roof. I kept thinking to myself no more over and over again and I tried to ignore the bad food cravings. It was after 7pm I had spent the past 2+ hours stressed out over the remodeling job being done in my home. Several issues were found with the work. I started getting a headache followed by craving sweets and carbs. I then had to deal with some other issues regarding a project I was working on…

Well eventually it took its toll my willpower broke down and I ate bad. As a result I am paying for it dearly in many ways. I could not get to sleep last night, so I got to bed very late. I had tons of indigestion and bloating in addition I kicked on a gout attack and my ankle and food swelled up huge. Today my feet are burning and feel like water ballons. My stomach has been crampy feeling since last night and severely bloated to the point of being uncomfortable.

On top of that I gained back 3 lbs in a single night. I think pizza and wings are probably the worst food on the planet based on this alone. Not to mention all the swelling it has caused and it is beyond swelling from salt. The pizza was gluten free so  I do not understand the bloating unless it is related to gout flare up and wings.

Today I am sore, tired feeling and yet I have a ton of things to get done. Not a good combo. This is just further proof I have to drop wings and pizza permanently out of my food choices the consequences are too great. I can only imagine how high my inflammatory markers would be right now if they were tested, probably off the charts.

In a nutshell ; last nights dinner was not worth it at all.

Going forward I need to reprogram my stress response so I am not food seeking or at least if I am it is healthy food not this garbage as it just keeps moving my further from my goal. In essence my stress response is my own worst enemy and I must defeat this enemy going forward. With that said I need to start developing better ways to handle stress overall to keep from being stressed in the first place and then once I get stressed out have a better way to mediate it.

The weekend is always the toughest time as it is usually a marathon of things to do so its easy to choose a drive thru fast food joint since I am not home. But this weekend I am going to try not to buckle and keep telling myself no more of this.

That’s all I have for now I may not update again until monday just because of time issues on the weekend.