The Journey – Chapter 2 Day 6-8 (251-253)

Today’s stats: 10/23/2017
Begin Date: 10/16/2017
Starting Weight: 322.8 Today’s Weight : unknown
Total Weight Loss: 3.6
Days: 8 Average Weight loss: .45
Actual days since journey began: 253

I did not have any time this weekend to write so this post is for Sat Sun and Today.  Saturday and Sunday became an absolute mess due to Friday night. On friday the stress levels went through the roof as I discovered a contractor had installed broken items into my home and then tried to cover it up.

The stress from dealing with this derailed all progress and caused me to eat bad on several occasions. Had it been a few weeks sticking to a plan this would not have been an issue. I did not weigh in over the weekend but I can tell you my stomach is a mess and I having consistent gas pains and chest pains (which I hope are just gas or pulled muscles). I am back on track today but did not have the opportunity to record my weight this morning as I was late getting up and going this morning.

Tomorrow I should have a weigh in but from this weekends mess of eating bad I am sure I have erased all progress and may have even gone higher in weight. The stress levels really aren’t any better and probably will not be until this contractors are done working on things in my home. On top of that I’ve got car issues, a bunch of projects I am behind on and Halloween is just over a week away.

I am really hoping things settle down soon so I can prioritize my health by reducing stress and eating better. Stress without willpower = bad food. But if I can reduce the stress then I should have little issue sticking to a healthy diet.

Well hopefully tomorrow I have a better update.