The Journey – Chapter 2 Day 9 (254)

Today’s stats: 10/24/2017
Begin Date: 10/16/2017
Starting Weight: 322.8 Today’s Weight : 319.2
Total Weight Loss: 3.6
Days: 9 Average Weight loss: .4
Actual days since journey began: 254


I am finding it very difficult to get back on track. I have every intention of doing so and then either I end up with a severe headache and feeling like total crap or my sweet tooth wins out. This is totally out of control and its severely effecting my goal. I think I am having sugar issues because on days when I am eating healthy the sugar is almost non existent except for drinking 8 oz of Pomegranate juice. and maybe 4 – 8 oz of tart cherry juice to help reduce the swelling in my ankles and calves.

I am hoping tomorrow I can stick to this but I already have a headache from hell today. That’s all I have for now, very short update.