The Journey – Chapter 2 Day 13-15 (258-260)

Today’s stats: 10/30/2017
Begin Date: 10/16/2017
Starting Weight: 322.4 Today’s Weight : 325.4
Total Weight Loss: +3.2
Days: 15 Average Weight loss: +.021
Actual days since journey began: 260

I cannot believe I went even higher. I did eat bad over the weekend. But I have eaten much worse previous weekends in comparison and haven’t seen a jump like this. Now I am up higher than when I recommitted to this 15 days ago. Who am I kidding if I was committed I would not have gained and would celebrating having lost 10+ lbs over the past two weeks.

My feet are swollen real bad today, they are also burning. I am extremely tired which is making it difficult to function. overall I’m screwed. This weekend I was able to load up on one of my favorite prepared meals the place I go to offers. Should be enough for over a week.

This is do or die literally. I have to do this, I have to end this bullshit, get on the horse; own it and ride it into the sunset. I have to lose this weight if is effecting everything and I am sick of it. I am sick of writing about how I have failed yet again to wise up and stop eating bad.  I just don’t get it. I am going to try every trick I have this week to stay on track. No eating out period! If I cannot figure out something to eat, eating out will not be an option. The backup options are a banana or protein shake. I am also going to bed early and going to try making Sunday my catch up day for any tv programs that air at 9pm or later. I am done with staying up until 10pm as I don’t get to bed until 10:30 and then I’m too wound up to sleep.

I am also going to try moving it back even earlier so that I get up earlier in the morning and start some sort of exercise. This isn’t going to be easy but its something I have to do. This cannot continue like this, it simply cannot.

I have nothing more to write at this time as the more I think about this all this morning the more angry I get with myself which is going to serve no purpose.. Hopefully I will have better news tomorrow to report.