The Journey – Chapter 2 Day 17 (262)

Today’s stats: 11/1/2017
Begin Date: 10/16/2017
Starting Weight: 322.4 Today’s Weight : ?
Total Weight Loss: +3.2
Days: 17 Average Weight loss: +.021
Actual days since journey began: 262


Again I did not have time to weight myself this morning. so I do not have any updated stats unfortunately.

Well last night there weren’t that many trick or treaters I would guess about 20 – 30 kids all night and the weather wasn’t too bad. Of course there was a ton of left over candy. And you guessed it I got into it. I also ordered a pizza for dinner, kind of a habit for Halloween.

Today the screw up train stops and I am getting back on track. I may restart the counter for the number of days seeing as how 16 days have just been a waste. I don’t know I feel like looking at that and knowing for 16 days I couldn’t get my shit together doesn’t exactly motivate me.

I am going to need to setup default go to’s like I said before so if I dont feel like eating one of the prepared meals or something else comes up then it is a protein shake or banana and if I feel hungry like I cannot control it then off to bed I go this is the same technique I used to quit smoking cold turkey over 10 years ago.

I really have nothing else to update on so this will post will be short. see ya tomorrow