The Journey – Chapter 2 Day 19 (264)

Today’s stats: 11/3/2017
Begin Date: 10/16/2017
Starting Weight: 322.4 Today’s Weight : 322.4
Total Weight Loss: 0
Days: 19 Average Weight loss: 0
Actual days since journey began: 264


Last night I ended up eating out due to  having to pick up my car from the repair shop. So of course today I am paying for it swelling is up, pain in feet is up and my weight of course is up. I don’t have anything to report today differently that I have not said before.

Now I am going into the weekend where the struggle will continue, going to try to stop it but I have my doubts since my track record on weekends isn’t good since I get so busy.

I have nothing else for now, will update again on Monday.