New Year New Journey

I have decided to admit that 2017 became a failure I tried twice to lose weight and become fit along with eating an anti-inflammatory diet. The first time I made progress but then lost that progress only to gain more weight then when I started. To say this was discouraging is an understatement!

I then tried to regain focus and try again under Part 2 or version 2.0 of my journey and it never gained traction. I had too many things I was trying to juggle at the time so it became a half assed commitment. I hate to admit that but its the brutal truth.

As December came to a close I sat back and asked myself what I wanted for 2018. I had a lot of personal and professional goals for 2017 and while I made some inroads I fell very short of where I envisioned and expected myself to be. One thing I realized is I once again cast my health aside for 3 months just like last year due to stress and other commitments. The truth is if you do not have your health you have nothing.

I tried to to sell myself on the idea that more success would equal more time to pursue my health. The truth is if the success doesn’t come then what? Well that is the realization I am dealing with now. You cannot bank on a future that has not happened yet. Many of these entrepreneur books I have read along with other stories I think paint an unrealistic picture, they will tell of some hard times but even the hard times are glossed over and instead the winning story is sold to the public.  Lets face it you wouldn’t buy a book from some entrepreneur that did mediocre their whole book depends upon selling the great conquest story.

I digress the point is I got sucked into that thinking , the no fail, no holds barred we can do it all unrealistic expectations of life and I sacrificed my health in the process; one of the single most important things.  After all what is the sense is having success if your health is too wrecked to enjoy it and all your money from your success goes towards fixing your health you further screwed up in the pursuit for the almighty dollar??

I also would hedge a bet that the worse your health gets as your focus, determination, drive, energy, confidence and a whole slew of other things also rapidly decline further affecting your effectiveness and attentiveness allowing more distractions to pull you away from things.

It is with this in mind I am starting this Journey over, the path I walked lead to a dead end , turned me around started a new path partially and then I just gave up in frustration. I had no intention of doing the cliche new year new me and honestly its not the idea that a new year will equal a new me but that the new year gives me new opportunities to pursue and new ways to push myself.  Will I become a new me ? yes but it is not because of the new year it is because I have decided it is the right time and have committed to my goal, and by writing this entry it is further solidifying my commitment, my journey.  I already started the Journey January 1st but wanted to wait to say anything until today so I could have a few days at it just to focus on my health with this new commitment.

They say the third time is a charm, I say the third time is  the one that counts now. Stats will return tomorrow.