A New Journey Day 4

Today’s stats: 1/7/2018
Begin Date: 1/3/2018
Starting Weight: 331.4 Today’s Weight : 326.6
Total Weight Loss: 4.8
Goal: 195 Days:Weight left to lose: 131.6

Weight went back up today, so it looks like I am in the teeter totter phase. So I expect weight to go down, then up, then down again. Annoying but at least I know what is going on and expect it. I’m sure anyone who has made an effort to lose weight has seen this frustrating pattern before. It just sucks though because when this happens a lot of people become extremely frustrated and stressed out and of course the brain starts up with “screw it, lets eat out” and then you end up gaining even more weight and it begins the guilt cycle all over again which leads to even more overeating and bad eating.

I’m sticking with it so far, am I aggravated ? yes but am I quitting ? no