A New Journey Day 5

Today’s stats: 1/8/2018
Begin Date: 1/3/2018
Starting Weight: 331.4 Today’s Weight : 324.2
Total Weight Loss: 7.2
Goal: 195 Days:Weight left to lose: 129.2

And this proves what I said yesterday about the teeter totter pattern. Now my weight has gone down lower than the day before yesterday 325.8 versus 324.2. If I would have said “fuck it” to my better eating and broke it I would have lost at least 2 days or more of weight loss. In other words it would taken me at least 2 days to get back to my present weight loss and this is what leads to further frustration causing a downward spiral.

The weekend was tough I was in a pattern of always going out to eat or ordering out every weekend. I was not in a great mood yesterday or the day before but just couldn’t bring myself to write about it at the time. Unfortunately the weekend made me realize something, most things to do with friends, significant others etc. are centered around entertainment and or food.  Most entertainment has food like going to the movies, you are bombarded with the smell of popcorn , which tastes great but is just nothing more than a fake butter chemical (most likely) and crap (most likely GMO) popcorn plus a soda… If the smell doesn’t get you the implied social norm will, (people walking around with tubs of popcorn and drinks), and if that doesn’t work not to worry the theater will have some opening advertisement either consisting of some flyby of popcorn, Coca Cola and candy larger than life that lasts a good 60 seconds or more.

Eating this crap is like a serious overload..nothing like bombarding those salt, sugar and fat receptors in your brain and body with a trifecta of overload and causing inflammation! Yeah people would probably be like I bet your fun at parties but most people who say that usually don’t have weight issues.

If not a movie theater then there is either drinks with friends (nothing but inflammation there) alcohol is poison, seriously that is not some bullshit it literally is.  Think about it if you drink too much you are intoxicated bet you never thought about that…. Anyways nothing lights of inflammation like alcohol. Beer is heavy in carbs. alcohol is heavy in sugar. Plus it beats the crap out of your liver and kidneys.

So lets say you skip the movies and skip the drinks, whats next ? Oh the restaurant, where people venture out each weekend, many people several times a week it could be for date night, a night with your significant other, friends, family. The sad part of this is, unless you find a restaurant that has organic produce and meats the treat of eating out and not having to cook dinner is actually not a treat at all you are paying for the privilege to poison your body, to make your health worse.

Everything is either fried, loaded with salt or sugar or all 3 and of course the portions are out of control one plate of food should be able to feed at least 2 people if not 3 or 4 if you were doing portion control. In these situations portion control is very difficult the only effective method i have seen is asking for a take home box to arrive with your meal and immediately  take half of what is on your plate and put it in the box. Unless you have severe control and resistance to overeating (which lets face it anyone who did would not be fat) I would recommend the take home box method mentioned above or skip the restaurant all together. You can eat much healthier food at home for less than what it costs to eat out.

Then there is always the ubiquitous birthday party, wedding, get together , holiday or summer cookout which all are food centric events. Most of which have nothing but junk food with the exception of the vegetable tray, providing you skip the dip.  Otherwise everything is carbs like bread bowls, crackers and other worthless gluten filled inflammatory crap.  Then you have the cheese, yep everybody loves it but its nothing but dairy pumped full of antibiotics, hormones and god knows what else and oh did I mention inflammation?  So lets say you skip the cheese and crackers or bread bowl.. there are chips, soda, beer, hard liquor, cookies, candy, cake…

I know by now I feel like a complete buzzkill and sound like the most boring person ever. I enjoy a party like everyone else but, a fun time shouldn’t have to cause your shirt to bulge, everything in your body to go into overload and inflame the shit out of you so bad your immune system is hitting defcon 5!  I know as I become more aware of all of these things I will find better ways to throw get togethers and parties where I will not subject my guests to gluten and dairy.

I never thought I would be writing things like this myself. I never thought I would be “that guy” that watched what he ate, but if I want to avoid disease and health issues this is what needs to be done.
It’s amazing how appealing this stuff is when you are in the moment but right now I wouldn’t want to touch and of this stuff with a 10 foot pole.

well I think this got a lot more in depth than I ever intended but I think it discusses some important points… If anyone reading this has any thoughts feel free to comment.