A New Journey Day 9

Today’s stats: 1/12/2018
Begin Date: 1/3/2018
Starting Weight: 331.4 Today’s Weight : 323.8
Total Weight Loss:7.6
Goal: 195 Days:Weight left to lose: 128.8

Slight increase today .4 lbs still following the teeter totter pattern.  Nothing else to really mention at this point other than I am now going into the weekend, this will be the second weekend since I began this journey again. I’m still having thoughts about bad food. Its apparent  I associated Fridays and Saturdays with eating out. This is a bad association because it makes it feel like it’s a required thing. I feel compelled to eat out yet I am not going to. I am having a Daiya vegetable pizza tonight but it is at home and it is dairy free, gluten free, soy free so it is not a regular pizza with gluten, dairy or pepperoni.

I am hoping this backs off the cravings they are bad today and my mind just keeps thinking , “it’s Friday time for pizza”.  We will see, that’s all I have for now