A New Journey Day 14

Today’s stats: 1/17/2018
Begin Date: 1/3/2018
Starting Weight: 331.4 Today’s Weight : 322.6
Total Weight Loss: 8.8
Goal: 195 Days: 14 Weight left to lose: 127.6


Up one pound today. Another night with a lack of sleep, stayed up way too late playing Zelda Breath of the Wild on my new Nintendo Switch. Also I think I ate way too much food and way too much potato between my lunch and dinner.

I am going to need to start tweaking meals more and getting more sleep tonight I am going to play Zelda for maybe an hour and then watch The Colony season 2 for the rest of the night until 9:30 and then try to get to sleep by 9:56 so I can get 5 sleep cycles according to the app sleepy time. I need to try getting 6 sleep cycles but I also need to go to bed earlier.

Hopefully going to bed earlier will have some impact for tomorrow.  Tonight’s dinner is organic Chicken Sausage and purple potatoes.