A New Journey Day 15

Today’s stats: 1/18/2018
Begin Date: 1/3/2018
Starting Weight: 331.4 Today’s Weight : 321.8
Total Weight Loss: 9.6
Goal: 195 Days: 15 Weight left to lose: 126.8


Back down 8 tenths of a pound.  I got to sleep at 9:56 last night so I was able to get 5 sleep cycles. I am still tired though today. They say you can never really catch up on sleep I think they are right. I need to make going to bed a regular habit. At least my weight went back down even considering how much chicken sausage I ate. I figured it was going to go up. I would have to say at this point what is slowing down my weight loss is lack of sleep.  so with that said tonight I am going to try to go to bed earlier again and see if I drop weight tomorrow. I was hoping to be down over 10 lbs already as my goal for the end of January was to lose 20 to 30 pounds.

As of today I’ve made it halfway through the anti-inflammatory diet and I have to say it does get easier the longer you do it. The physical proof speaks volumes to what a positive impact this diet is having on my body. My right ankle is so much smaller now and has almost no swelling at all now. This alone speaks volumes to how inflamed I was and the damage it was doing to my body. I am going to continue on this path so I can continue healing my body.

That is all I have for now keeping my fingers crossed for tomorrows progress hoping I can report over 10lbs weight loss.