The Journey – Chapter 2 Day 1 (246)

Today’s stats: 10/16/2017 Begin Date: 10/16/2017 Starting Weight: 322.8 Today’s Weight : 322.8 Total Weight Loss: n/a Days: 0 Average Weight loss: n/a Actual days since journey began: 246   Welcome to The Journey Chapter 2.  I have started anew with a new start date and start weight and a focus on going forward. With that said … [Read more…]

The Journey Days 101 – 128

It has been almost 4weeks since I last wrote. I have no stats to share today as I did not check my weight today. I know I will probably get depressed if I see my current weight as I am sure I have gone up a few pounds in the past week. I went on … [Read more…]

The Journey Day 37 to 44

With everything going on health wise I have not been able to stay on top of this unfortunately. I am still focused on losing weight and even though I have been staying on track my weight loss has stalled out pretty bad. My current stats Today’s stats: 3/28/2017 Begin Date: 2/13/2017 Starting Weight: 351.6 Today’s Weight : 325 Total Weight … [Read more…]

The Journey Day 32 to 36

So I am just going to start immediately with stats and then go on to what transpired on the evening of Day 31 (3-15-2017) . Today’s stats: 3/20/2017 Begin Date: 2/13/2017 Starting Weight: 351.6 Today’s Weight : 327 Total Weight Loss: 24.6 lbs Days: 35 Average Weight loss: .70 lbs per day Wednesday evening I was having terrible pain for the … [Read more…]

The Journey Day 31

Last night was rough several times I wanted to eat bad, I did not break though. Today I am better for not doing it and I do not have those cravings today like I did last night. Just missed the mark but I am happy that I am very close to being the lowest I … [Read more…]

The Journey Day 29

Well I stand corrected the weight I gained from Saturdays celebrations wasn’t just water weight as I retained most of what I gained back. It is quite disappointing really. The cardiologist is very concerned over my weight so much so he mentioned bariatric surgery. This really was upsetting news today. Sure I was not expecting … [Read more…]

The Journey Day 28

Yesterday I celebrated a friends birthday and we went to his favorite place. Unfortunately it is an all you can eat steak type buffet. The food was excellent but I paid for it dearly with a 5lb weight gain. To say I am frustrated by this would be an understatement. I feel like I just … [Read more…]

The Journey Day 27

I was able to do a quick weigh in for today as power has been restored but internet was not so I will only be posting the stats for today. Have a lot to do due to power outage. Today’s stats: 3/11/2017 Begin Date: 2/13/2017 Starting Weight: 351.6 Today’s Weight : 332.6 Total Weight Loss: … [Read more…]

The Journey Day 24

Another day and more progress. I will find out this evening how far off my scale is from my doctors.  I hope mine is close. I have been taking the first reading every morning to avoid the discrepancy of it weighing differently each time I get on the scale. This morning the display on the … [Read more…]

The Journey Day 23

I am back on track and focused on getting results. I want to drop 20-30lbs by the end of the month. I am hoping I can find a way to drop weight quicker so I can be at the higher end of the weight loss range and make up for the lack of progress the … [Read more…]