The Journey – Day 2 – Evening Post

So in the afternoon at work I developed a headache that continued into most of the evening, not sure what caused it might be the weather changes again. I ate my salad tonight as planned and did not deviate , which was a little difficult as my girlfriend had made gluten free toast and the … [Read more…]

The Journey Day 2 – Afternoon post

So while at work today one of my coworkers brought in donuts, I swear it’s likeĀ  there is like some food temptation demon or something. Some things in life just seem to be so ironic; try to eat better and people bring in junk food to your workplace, eat it in front of you, or … [Read more…]

The Journey – Day 2

Well I did not sleep well last night I kept waking up all through the night. The weird thing is I sprung out of bed this morning after my alarm clock went off. It was a strange feeling this morning it was almost like I downed several cans of Redbull or something. Not sure where … [Read more…]

The Journey Begins – Day 1

Over the past several days I have been mentally preparing myself and getting things setup to begin on my journey of becoming fit. This is the first day and first entry of me journaling this journey. This will serve as a way to hold myself publicly accountable and also as a way to look back … [Read more…]