The Journey – Chapter 2 Day 6-8 (251-253)

Today’s stats: 10/23/2017 Begin Date: 10/16/2017 Starting Weight: 322.8 Today’s Weight : unknown Total Weight Loss: 3.6 Days: 8 Average Weight loss: .45 Actual days since journey began: 253 I did not have any time this weekend to write so this post is for Sat Sun and Today.  Saturday and Sunday became an absolute mess due to … [Read more…]

The Journey – Chapter 2 Day 5 (250)

Today’s stats: 10/20/2017 Begin Date: 10/16/2017 Starting Weight: 322.8 Today’s Weight : 319.2 Total Weight Loss: 3.6 Days: 4 Average Weight loss: .9 Actual days since journey began: 250   Last night was bad, real bad the amount of stress I was under went through the roof. I kept thinking to myself no more over and over … [Read more…]

The Journey – Chapter 2 Day 4 (249)

Today’s stats: 10/19/2017 Begin Date: 10/16/2017 Starting Weight: 322.8 Today’s Weight : 316.2 Total Weight Loss: 6.6 Days: 3 Average Weight loss: 2.2 Actual days since journey began: 249   So yesterday I finished reading the Jocko Willink’s Book Discipline Equals Freedom: Field Manual. It really resonated with me. Especially the “No More” section. Something I need to … [Read more…]

The Journey – Chapter 2 Day 3 (248)

Today’s stats: 10/18/2017 Begin Date: 10/16/2017 Starting Weight: 322.8 Today’s Weight : 319.8 Total Weight Loss: 3.0 Days: 2 Average Weight loss: 1.5 Actual days since journey began: 248   Well I am upset with myself today. Last night went off the rails. I got a bad headache last night and thought it might be due to … [Read more…]

The Journey – Chapter 2 Day 2 (247)

Today’s stats: 10/17/2017 Begin Date: 10/16/2017 Starting Weight: 322.8 Today’s Weight : 319.2 Total Weight Loss: 3.6 Days: 1 Average Weight loss: 3.6 Actual days since journey began: 247 Well much to my surprise after the first day back on being back on track I drop 3.6 lbs   I am sure this is water weight though … [Read more…]

The Journey Days 214- 245

Well it has been 245 days since I started this journey and sadly I have ended up almost where I began. My starting weight was 351.6 when I began on Valentines Day. I got down to 295 and now I am back up to 322.8. My appetite has been voracious, my stomach constantly feels like … [Read more…]

The Journey Days 170 – 213

Well I do not know what to say. I have let myself down, big time. I did get back on the scale and its just awful I am back up to 316lbs as of a week ago. I fell off the wagon once again. The struggle always seems to get worse as summer comes to … [Read more…]

The Journey Days 129 – 169

It has been awhile since I have written anything. With Summer here I have spent the last 40 days  on vacation and trying to get things done around my house in addition to recovering from my stint in the hospital for a cellulitis infection. Since being on the antibiotics for the infection I have found … [Read more…]

The Journey Day 66 – 100

It has been almost 5 weeks since I last wrote. With everything going on it became too difficult to write each day and stay on track with my eating along with other commitments. Before I review whats been going on and provide an update I want to post my current stats: Today’s stats: 5/23/2017 Begin … [Read more…]

The Journey Day 45-65

It has been awhile since I have last blogged. Unf0rtunately things have not slowed down one bit. I have been spending all of my spare time researching everything related to heart disease, the causes of it and how to heal my heart through various supplements, diet, vitamins and minerals. I am still on my diet … [Read more…]