A New Journey Day 9

Today’s stats: 1/12/2018 Begin Date: 1/3/2018 Starting Weight: 331.4 Today’s Weight : 323.8 Total Weight Loss:7.6 Goal: 195 Days: 9  Weight left to lose: 128.8 Slight increase today .4 lbs still following the teeter totter pattern.  Nothing else to really mention at this point other than I am now going into the weekend, this will be the … [Read more…]

A new Journey Day 12

Today’s stats: 1/15/2018 Begin Date: 1/3/2018 Starting Weight: 331.4 Today’s Weight : 321.6 Total Weight Loss: 9.8 Goal: 195 Days: 12  Weight left to lose: 126.6   Almost down 10 lbs. It’s going a little slower than I would like it to but I am still making progress. May have to change up what I am eating, … [Read more…]

A New Journey Day 7

Today’s stats: 1/10/2018 Begin Date: 1/3/2018 Starting Weight: 331.4 Today’s Weight : 324.8 Total Weight Loss: 6.6 Goal: 195 Days: 7  Weight left to lose: 129.8 And here is the teeter totter again, 2 previous days no change, and today I am up on my weight. Tomorrow I should be lower than the last two days and … [Read more…]

A New Journey Day 6

Today’s stats: 1/9/2018 Begin Date: 1/3/2018 Starting Weight: 331.4 Today’s Weight : 324.2 Total Weight Loss: 7.2 Goal: 195 Days: 6  Weight left to lose: 129.2 No change today to report and no real thoughts to share so today is a short stat update.

A New Journey Day 5

Today’s stats: 1/8/2018 Begin Date: 1/3/2018 Starting Weight: 331.4 Today’s Weight : 324.2 Total Weight Loss: 7.2 Goal: 195 Days: 5  Weight left to lose: 129.2 And this proves what I said yesterday about the teeter totter pattern. Now my weight has gone down lower than the day before yesterday 325.8 versus 324.2. If I would have … [Read more…]

A New Journey Day 8

Today’s stats: 1/11/2018 Begin Date: 1/3/2018 Starting Weight: 331.4 Today’s Weight : 323.4 Total Weight Loss: 8 Goal: 195 Days: 8  Weight left to lose: 128.4 As I said yesterday now my weight is lower than the past 3 days with yesterday being higher 324.8  than the previous two (324.2). Just a quick weight update for today.

A New Journey Day 4

Today’s stats: 1/7/2018 Begin Date: 1/3/2018 Starting Weight: 331.4 Today’s Weight : 326.6 Total Weight Loss: 4.8 Goal: 195 Days: 4  Weight left to lose: 131.6 Weight went back up today, so it looks like I am in the teeter totter phase. So I expect weight to go down, then up, then down again. Annoying but at … [Read more…]

A New Journey Day 3

Today’s stats: 1/6/2018 Begin Date: 1/3/2018 Starting Weight: 331.4 Today’s Weight : 325.8 Total Weight Loss: 5.6 Goal: 195 Days: 3  Weight left to lose: 130.8 As predicted the slight weight gain from yesterday is gone and I have gone down more. I’ve been really tired on this new diet but it is not unexpected. Any substantial … [Read more…]

A New Journey Day 2

Today’s stats: 1/5/2018 Begin Date: 1/3/2018 Starting Weight: 331.4 Today’s Weight : 328.2 Total Weight Loss: 3.2 Goal: 195 Days: 2  Weight left to lose: 133.2 Went up a little today but that is to be expected after a 3lb drop in a day. Just means I need to watch what I eat tomorrow. Just updating stats … [Read more…]

A New Journey Day 1

Today’s stats: 1/4/2018 Begin Date: 1/3/2018 Starting Weight: 331.4 Today’s Weight : 327.8 Total Weight Loss: n/a Goal: 195 Days: 1  Weight left to lose: 132.8 Today I officially began the journey to my goal of getting down to 195lbs. The first part of this is changing my diet which is always difficult for the first few … [Read more…]