New Year New Journey

I have decided to admit that 2017 became a failure I tried twice to lose weight and become fit along with eating an anti-inflammatory diet. The first time I made progress but then lost that progress only to gain more weight then when I started. To say this was discouraging is an understatement! I then … [Read more…]

The Journey – Chapter 2 Day 19 (264)

Today’s stats: 11/3/2017 Begin Date: 10/16/2017 Starting Weight: 322.4 Today’s Weight : 322.4 Total Weight Loss: 0 Days: 19 Average Weight loss: 0 Actual days since journey began: 264   Last night I ended up eating out due to  having to pick up my car from the repair shop. So of course today I am paying for … [Read more…]

The Journey – Chapter 2 Day 18 (263)

Today’s stats: 11/2/2017 Begin Date: 10/16/2017 Starting Weight: 322.4 Today’s Weight : ? Total Weight Loss: +3.2 Days: 17 Average Weight loss: +.021 Actual days since journey began: 262   Forgot to weigh in today. Have a headache and feel like crap. Going to lay low for the day and try to get rid of this. Nothing … [Read more…]

The Journey – Chapter 2 Day 17 (262)

Today’s stats: 11/1/2017 Begin Date: 10/16/2017 Starting Weight: 322.4 Today’s Weight : ? Total Weight Loss: +3.2 Days: 17 Average Weight loss: +.021 Actual days since journey began: 262   Again I did not have time to weight myself this morning. so I do not have any updated stats unfortunately. Well last night there weren’t that many … [Read more…]

The Journey – Chapter 2 Day 16 (261)

Today’s stats: 10/31/2017 Begin Date: 10/16/2017 Starting Weight: 322.4 Today’s Weight : ? Total Weight Loss: +3.2 Days: 15 Average Weight loss: +.021 Actual days since journey began: 261   Due to running late today I did not get a chance to weigh myself. Todays post is mainly going to be about Halloween but also about how … [Read more…]

The Journey – Chapter 2 Day 13-15 (258-260)

Today’s stats: 10/30/2017 Begin Date: 10/16/2017 Starting Weight: 322.4 Today’s Weight : 325.4 Total Weight Loss: +3.2 Days: 15 Average Weight loss: +.021 Actual days since journey began: 260 I cannot believe I went even higher. I did eat bad over the weekend. But I have eaten much worse previous weekends in comparison and haven’t seen a … [Read more…]

The Journey – Chapter 2 Day 12 (257)

Today’s stats: 10/26/2017 Begin Date: 10/16/2017 Starting Weight: 322.8 Today’s Weight : 319.2 Total Weight Loss: 3.6 Days: 12 Average Weight loss: .30 Actual days since journey began: 257   Another day burned, another screw up. Last night all hell broke loose, unfortunately I cannot really elaborate right now but will at a later point. For now … [Read more…]

The Journey – Chapter 2 Day 11 (256)

Today’s stats: 10/26/2017 Begin Date: 10/16/2017 Starting Weight: 322.8 Today’s Weight : 316.4 Total Weight Loss: 6.4 Days: 11 Average Weight loss: .58 Actual days since journey began: 256   So Today I dropped 3.4lbs overnight I have no doubt this is water weight but hey I’ll take it. I need to get the access water out … [Read more…]

The Journey – Chapter 2 Day 10 (255)

Today’s stats: 10/25/2017 Begin Date: 10/16/2017 Starting Weight: 322.8 Today’s Weight : 319.8 Total Weight Loss: 3.0 Days: 10 Average Weight loss: .3 Actual days since journey began: 255   Weight went up again. Last night was ridiculous, I actually sat there and said what the hell am I doing.  I am completely disgusted and upset with … [Read more…]

The Journey – Chapter 2 Day 9 (254)

Today’s stats: 10/24/2017 Begin Date: 10/16/2017 Starting Weight: 322.8 Today’s Weight : 319.2 Total Weight Loss: 3.6 Days: 9 Average Weight loss: .4 Actual days since journey began: 254   I am finding it very difficult to get back on track. I have every intention of doing so and then either I end up with a severe … [Read more…]